Receiving GCM Push Notifications after Force Stop

T Torsten Schmidt 3 years 10 months ago
6 2 0

Hey there,

we are using Rhodes 5.0.38 and trying to get Push Notifications via GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) to work. The problem we came across is, that when we close our app (either the UI Task Manager or via Settings -> Apps -> Force Stop) we won't get any notifications for this app anymore. The user has to restart the app and - this is the second issue - notifications that have been sent while the app was stopped, won't get send through either.

Android 5.1.1
Rhodes 5.0.38
Push Notifications via GCM

Is this normal behaviour or can we do something about it?

Kind regards

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2 Replies

V Vivek Chowdhary

I might be wrong but this appears to be by design…

T Torsten Schmidt

I just add a part of the device log when sending a notification while the app is closed.

D/PMS     (  716): acquireWL(41f7c058): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK  GOOGLE_C2DM 0x1 1251
V/GCMBroadcastReceiver(14051): onReceive:

V/GCMBroadcastReceiver(14051): GCM IntentService class: com.rhomobile.rhodes.gcm
V/GCMBaseIntentService(14051): Acquiring wakelock
D/PMS     (  716): acquireWL(41e273d0): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK  GCM_LIB 0x1 14051 102
V/GCMBaseIntentService(14051): Intent service name: GCMIntentService-DynamicSend
D/PMS     (  716): releaseWL(41f7c058): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK  GOOGLE_C2DM 0x1
D/PMS     (  716): releaseWL(41ea5b78): PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK  GCM_CONN 0x1
I/APP     (14051): E 09/16/2015 11:06:36:592 000036e3        RhodesService| Can'
t handle service command
I/APP     (14051): E 09/16/2015 11:06:36:594 000036e3        RhodesService| No r
hodes activity instance at this moment
I/APP     (14051): java.lang.IllegalStateException: No rhodes activity instance
at this moment

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