Back button always appear in rhomobile

// Expert user has replied.
c charbel succar 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

i have an application where the default menu consists of the following two actions "options" and the "close". on the run-time i found in addition to these actions the "back" button with the backward action. which is not translated into other languages than the English.
i tried to force add it in the application default menu with the translation in Arabic but all time the back action appears in addition to the other actions and not translated,  and in English it overrides the "back" added action.

please someone advise,
thanks in advance.

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1 Replies

J Joydeep Chakraborty

Which platform you are trying?
What is the API syntax you are trying to create the MenuBar?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?