How do I get BadLinkURI to show on Error 404

// Expert user has replied.
J Jay Jensen 3 years 10 months ago
52 2 0

We are using RhoElements in out enterprise to allow our users to access various intranet sites tailored for mobile. We have an upcoming deployment of a new http module on each sites server but it has not been implemented yet but we are deploying our mobile devices with the icon to that loads RhoElements and browses to that sites specific intranet site. It has DebugButtons set to 0 so the user cannot access any other sites. The issue I am having is how to configure the xml so that BadLinkURI loads a BadLink.html file that is locally stored on the mobile device when the sites server returns a "404 error - page can not be found" The reson for this is once we get the 404 error we can not exit out of RhoElements because of the Debug Buttons. This is all in case the user accidentally clicks on the icon or in the future if there is somehting that goes wrong with the server and the module does not load for what ever reason. The Server exists and the handheld is online and can reach it just the http module will not be installed until a later date and my understanding is the NavTimout and BadLinkURI do not work this way when it is the start page. Any Ideas?

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2 Replies

J Joydeep Chakraborty

Hi Jay,
Which device are you using?

Badlink feature of RhoMobileSuite is not designed to handle 404 error. Badlink feature is designed to know whether server is reachable or not. In case of 404 it can reach out to server and server returns 404 error page as server can not find the requested page. So 404 error can not be redirected to Badlink page.

In such cases,you can redesign the 404 error page in the server and add a HTML button to navigate back. So in your case if somebody accidentally encounters 404 error,then they can press back and come back to last visited page.

Go Back

function goBack() {


J Jay Jensen

They are Motorola MC9090 and 9190's.

That won't work because we need the ability to Exit RhoElements on the handheld not go back to a previous page because there is no previous page as this is the startpage. I've written a BadLink.html that contains Javascript that allows you to exit RhoElements and it navigates there if the server is unreachable just not if the server returns 404, I just need to tell the handheld to load the local page it if it gets a 404 error from the server.

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