how to set region on cold boot

B Bocskay Zsolt,u9qxwptwnmdze3r6b99ttzye8bkmf32 3 years 10 months ago
9 2 0

I downloaded StartUpCtl v1.6 to keep application in case of cold boot. Unfortunately i can not activate Hungarian region on cold boot, i 'd like to turn off allways on top function for taskbar and finally by default the radio is off (Motorola MC2180).
I tried with regmerge, but no success.
Cretaed a directory in Application dir and placed separate reg files for above mentioned problems.
It is strange that the first regmerge command is working (set DataWedge to Run), but the others are not.
OnRestore.txt looks like this:
regmerge /q \Application\Lantmannen\DataWedge_autoStart.reg
regmerge /q \Application\Lantmannen\LocaleHun.reg
regmerge /q \Application\Lantmannen\RadioOn.reg
And for example localeHun is like this:
After a cold boot (restore), Regional Settings Region tab is remains on English.
Sorry for my english, thanks in advance.

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2 Replies

A Andrew Pengelly

Have you tried a 2nd reboot?  We have discovered in the past that the registry setting was applied but control panel view did not reflect the change until a warm boot was completed.

B Bocskay Zsolt,u9qxwptwnmdze3r6b99ttzye8bkmf32

Thanks for the advice, i'll try. All the time i tried only a cold boot.

Update (05/10)
Perfect, it's working.
Inserted a Warmboot at the and of OnRestore.txt and all settings is changed as i wanted (Radio is ON, Locale is Hungarian, and Taskbar Allways on Top is disabeld).

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