Quick questions about EB capabilities...

// Expert user has replied.
A Andrew Dman 3 years 10 months ago
7 2 0

Can someone shed the light on two questions for me:
1) Do I need DataWedge for EB to work with scanner on WinCE 7?
2) Am I able to play sounds (wav files) using EB?

The docs are a bit confusing.

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2 Replies

E Edward Correia

Andrew- Just FYI, there's a new DataWedge Usage Guide that might be helpful. 

J Joydeep Chakraborty

Please find answers to your queries below.

1) Do I need DataWedge for EB to work with scanner on WinCE 7?

You do not need to enable datawedge to get the scanner data in EB. EB has it's own barcode APIs to get the scanned data . EB also supports getting data from DataWedge but  getting data via B APIs will give you more flexibility and options.
Please see
Enterprise Browser 1.2

2) Am I able to play sounds (wav files) using EB?
Yes.Please use playFile api of Notification object to do the same.
Enterprise Browser 1.2

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