What is sideloading key for ET5X ?

r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

Could be good if an expert could explain what is a sideloading key mentioned in ET5X PMB?
In the FAQ section, there is this question:
How can applications be loaded onto ET5X without using the App Store?
A sideloading key can be acquired in the following ways:
Customers in the following Volume Licensing programs will be granted Enterprise Sideloading Rights and provided with a sideload key at no additional license cost

Other customers who want to enable sideloading will be able to purchase an Enterprise Sideloading key for $100 through the Open License program. An unlimited number of devices can be enabled for sideloading using this key.


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1 Replies

r roberto cottone


The sidelining key is only required for modern apps (apps normally loaded via the Windows store) which are optimised for the tablet environment -it is not required for a standard Win32 apps which are probably more likely to be required on the ET50. Also the sideload key requirement has been removed in Win10 so is only an issue with 8.1.

The sideloading method implemented in Win  8.1 is not straightforward and is only briefly referenced in the ET50 PMB - there is a detailed explanation at Sideloading Store Apps to Windows 8.1 Devices - Michał Morciniec - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

   One of the advantages of moving to Win 10 is the removal of this complicated procedure - all that is required is to enable sideloading in Settings as detailed at Windows 10 Allows You To Sideload Universal Apps, Just Like Android Does

   If we can release a Win10 upgrade for the ET50 in a reasonable timeframe e.g. before the end of this year, I think this will be the solution to sideloading Universal/Modern apps and will also add a lot of other useful features

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