Read Tag without printing

// Expert user has replied.
S Sonu Kapoor 3 years 10 months ago
32 2 0

I see that there is a way to read the current tag and print the output to a label using the below ZPL.

Two questions:

Is there a way to read it through the SDK without printing it? The reason I am asking is, I need to encode and print on the tag. Before encoding though I need to know what the current data is on the tag. After that I can print.
Do you have an example on how to read using your iOS SDK?


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2 Replies

S Sonu Kapoor


M Manuel Caicedo-Rivera

We have developed some pieces of ZPL code for this particular use case. The below ZPL code would allow you to encode a tag and receive back a response with the code for saving it a database.

^XA^MMP^LS0 ^BY3,3,123^FT83,160^B3N,N,,Y,N^FDA11115J^FS ^WVN^RFW,H,1,14,1^FD300030543101DC6823901977360D^FS ^RU ^FN1^FDSerial Number: #Q^FS ^FH^HV1,44,,_0D_0A,L^FS ^PQ1,0,1,Y^XZ

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