Can you test EMDK functions in the Android Studio Emulator

// Expert user has replied.
C Christopher Sather 3 years 10 months ago
343 4 0

My offshore developer does not have a Zebra device yet due to customs.  Is there a way to test EMDK functions in the Android Studio Emulator. At this time, they just want to use the EMDK scanner functions.

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4 Replies

L Ladislav Filip

Please, how develope on emulator with EMDK? I don't have any device Zebra.

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Chris,
it's not only an HW problem, the standard Android emulator image does not includes the Symbol libraries.

This means that once an application is built using the EMDK, it cannot be installed on the emulator (or a device that is not a Symbol one).
So it's not only that you can't test the barcode scanner, you cannot test even the simpler of the profiles (e.g. the clock).

At the end, the only option available it's having a real device.
On this side we've partner discounts for demo unit and for Application Partner registering sales opportunities, we've the influence rewards that (at least in EMEA) can be used to get free demo units (All new projects >10 units: 1 free demo unit per 3 deals approved - Max 10 per ISV/year). I hope that the program is the same or at least similar in NA.


r roberto cottone

Chris, to my knowledge, there is no way to simulate/emulate the EMDK or our Scanner value adds, without a device.

H Hector Meza

Unfortunately, the scanner functions rely on the HW so the emulator will fall short.  Even if you tried to use the camera - no data is returned so the scan test will fail.

sorry - dependency on Physical components is currently not available in the Simulator

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