XWing2 parameters

H Hans-Ulrich Stocker 3 years 10 months ago
12 0 0

at WT41N and MC92 the NIC driver is XWing2.
There are around 50 parameters at windows registry to this driver.
Where can we get a documentation of this parameters.
The actual WT41N0 roams too late and too slow for our use.
On TI reference driver there are variables for roaming threshold and roaming delay.
Recommended default by TI are -80dB for roaming threshold and 30s for roaming delay, what would be not so good for us.
We suppose, that the values for this important settings can be set by Registry.
Unfortunately the value names and the range are not 'self documented' and it is a secret, how they belong together.
On the other hand would we like to know what we are doing, if we change some values here.
Would be nice, if we could get some help.?

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