TC70 how to scan only in empty data entry field on displayed web page?

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A Antonio Rakijar 3 years 10 months ago
187 2 0

I have created web app for scanning articles in warehouse.
I am using TC70 and 7C75. Problem is that scanner is always active no matter if there is active cursor in text input field or not.
I need that scanning is only active if focus is on input field. How to do that?

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2 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Antonio,
if you're using the standard Android Browser, you can't control DataWedge behaviour from your web page: DataWedge is the Zebra service that allows to integrate barcode scanning into your native/web application without having to write any code. Writing a native app you can have some integration with DataWedge, but this is not an option for web application. Here's DataWedge guide.
What you can do on a standard web app is to intercept the keypress event and drive the data coming from DataWedge into the correct input field. However, Android v4.4 includes a bug in the webview component that affect this functionality:
Issue 68284 - android - WebView keypress event not working in 4.4.2 - Android Open Source Project - Issue Tracker - G…

If you want to have full control of the device scanner (and more) you can use Zebra Technologies' Enterprise Browser that include APIs to control the scanner behaviour. You can find more information here.


E Edward Correia

Hi Antonio-

I suggest checking the Scanner section of the config.xml reference​, which offers two tags for controlling whether the scanner remains enabled at various times.

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