How to combine CTRL + UP ARROW

// Expert user has replied.
R Romain CHARTON 3 years 10 months ago
408 3 0

Sorry for my bad english. I try to use 123SCan and i want combinate CTRL + UP ARROW for exemple.
Somebody can help me plz

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3 Replies

A Andrew Pengelly

Hi Romain,  Looking at the latest ADF guide as suggested by Michal Keracik there is the option to send custom keys.  On page 2-278 is the command to activate the CTRL key and transmit the combination of CTRL and whatever key you enter next. I have tried this with and other combinations on a DS4308 but it does not appear to work on that model.  So this feature may be scanner specific.

M Michal Keracik…

there is "Send Custom Key" action in latest ADF guide that could help

EDIT: Unfortunately it's not working. I've tried it with DS3578 and DS6878 with latest FW on Win8.1 PC.

R Ritesh Gupta

Easiest would be to create an ADF rule.  Look at the integrator guide of the scanner you are using.

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