Using the Motorola MC65 in windows mobile 6.5 when Symbol.Imaging.Device.AvailableDevices is accessed it is throwing exceptio...

R Ronald Speek 3 years 10 months ago
18 1 0

when I try to run the EMDK v2.9 camera sample from
C:\Users\Public\Motorola EMDK for .NET\v2.9\Samples VS2008\C#\CS_Imager2Sample1
In windows mobile 6.5 when Symbol.Imaging.Device.AvailableDevices is accessed it is throwing exception as 'IMAGE_FindFirst failed: Can't find PInvoke DLL 'ImgApi32.dll''
The file does not exist in the device's 'Windows' directory
Is there a fix/download for this?
Kind Regards.

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

I had replied to your other post asking about this,  I will paste in my reply below in case you haven't seen it. 

In the programmer's guide section of the help file that comes with the EMDK, there are some notes related to particular devices.  I found the below in there.  I think there are some hardware limitations on the MC65 that would prevent using the Image Capture APIs on this device.

Image Capture

Image Capture - You must use Microsoft’s DirectShow for capturing images.  The Imager APIs distributed with EMDK does not support MC65 development.

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