How to access device through USB?

// Expert user has replied.
M MengChang Xiao 3 years 10 months ago
25 2 0

There is comm API,but USB is the actual master in device connection area.
If I want to access a joystick through USB instead of Comm, how?

Anyone has the experience?

Thank you!

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2 Replies

J Joydeep Chakraborty

As Mark Mentioned,
You need to create a native extension to achieve the same.
There is no APIs exposed in RhoMobile to manage the USB connection.

M MengChang Xiao

I have searched the discussion board, looks like only specified devices provided with API, from Zebra?

In Rho there is anyway to access android system API?

It is very simple to use USB port in pure android app development env.

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