MT2000 how to send data to server?

s stephen lukacs,1y851n34ljvxongexvwgh1izn90lkiu3 3 years 10 months ago
15 2 0

hello one and all,
i have the MT2090 and i have VS2008 and have studied ScanItem.exe and ScanInventory.exe sample programs that come in the EMDK.NET v2.9.  i am learning a lot.
ok, so both scan a barcode and show nice user interface screens.  the MT2090 has WIFI and i am able to ping any computer on the local network.  so WIFI is working on the scanner itself.
i can not see how to actually write code in visual studio 2008 to connect and send scanned/user data to a server?  how do i do that and where are example codes on actually doing that through the proper protocols, aka using the EMDK?  is there a way to connect via ODBC or other database/datasource methods?
thank you in advance and have a nice day.  lucas

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2 Replies

L Luis Octavio Hernandez

Hello, I suggest you use a webservice.
I would like your help, download the same version EMDK.NET v2.9 and I can't find the examples you mention, I need them to scan 2D code matrix data help!

s stephen lukacs,1y851n34ljvxongexvwgh1izn90lkiu3

as how to i receive data fro a server?

Can’t find what you’re looking for?