Disable App Switch Button in MC40 KitKat

T Teo Shin Hao 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

Is there any way using Intent as below :

Intent i = new Intent("com.motorolasolutions.intent.action.HOMEKEY_MODE"); 
i.putExtra("state", 1);  
1 - Enable 
0 - Disable 

To disable the App Switch button in KitKat. (Option Menu Key in JellyBean but App Switch Button in KitKat.)

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

You may be able to do this with the StageNow 2.1 tool i.e. create a profile with the KeyMappingMgr Setting type and then select the menu button and change the key behaviour to 'suppress key'. Create the profile barcode, read it with the StageNow client on the device and the menu key should be disabled.

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