How to downgrade application in KitKat by emdk 3.1?

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T Teo Shin Hao 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

The downgrade application in KitKat (TC55/MC40) will always fail.If using ADB, will need to add additional -d to make the downgrade work. So is there any way to downgrade application in KitKat by emdk?

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2 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Sorry, but it's not clear to me what you mean with "downgrade application in KitKat".

Can you post some additional details and the full adb command that you see succeeding only adding the "-d" option?


T Teo Shin Hao


What I means is let`s say you have one application installed in version 1.01(Version code: 11), you want to downgrade to 0.9(Version code : 9) by using emdk, it works in JellyBean but fail in KitKat.

Thank you

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