Is there a way to get access to FX9500 Scanner using SSH?

// Expert user has replied.
I Isaac Herrera 3 years 10 months ago
118 5 0

Hello All!
Is there a way to get access to FX9500 Scanner using SSH?
I see that the Scanner has a SSH service running,
do you know how I can access to the Reader using the SSH?
I tried using my user with no success.

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5 Replies

S Saravanan Jagadeesh

Hi ,
I just want to get raw data from ethernet port where fx9500 is connected,

Is it possible to get raw udp data whenever a tag is been scanned

I Isaac Herrera

Hello TsuBeng!

Here is a screen shot:

Let me know any comments about the ssh service.


T Tsu Beng Tan

Hi Issac,

Thank you for your screenshot,

Although the service is exists there, but currently there is no support for SSH.
Moreover, the SSH support will required root access which is not available.
This is what I could obtain from Zebra Support.

Hope this helps.
Tsu Beng

I Isaac Herrera

Hi TsuBeng!

There is a web application working on the reader that helps you to manage the reader capabilities.
The Reader needs to be connected to your network, enter its IP in the web browser to see this app.


R Ritesh Gupta


Do you have a static IP set for the reader?


Can’t find what you’re looking for?