Scanner SDK not working

S Sean Kluttz 3 years 10 months ago
96 0 0

I have downloaded the Zebra Scanner SDK and have tried to run the sample JPOS application that ships with it.  I am using the DS9808 Scanner via the Serial Port.  I followed the steps listed below in the JPOS developer document online.  Here is what the document says to test the application:
Scan the USB (IBM Hand-held) bar code, SNAPI bar code or Wincor-Nixdorf RS-232 Mode B bar code on
to configure the scanner for the correct communication protocol.

Select C:\Program Files\Motorola Scanner\Scanner SDK\JPOS\Sample Applications\bin\POSTest.bat to
Select Open after entering the logical name.

Select Claim.

Select Device Enable.

Select Data Events.

Select Decode Data.

Scan the following sample bar code:
I am using the Wincor-Nixdorf RS-232 Mode B configuration to set up the scanner.  However, when I scan it, the scanner infrared shuts off and will not scan anything.  I have to unplug it and plug it back in to get it to start up and then have to scan Set All Defaults so it will not shut off again.  Of course, this behavior means that I can not test the JPOS Test application.  I have also tried using the Standard RS-232 configuration barcode as well with no success.  I also made sure that the ports match up in the JCL file. 
Should I be using another configuration to get this set up?  If so where can I find it?
Sean Kluttz

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