Web application scanner not working on MC2180

// Expert user has replied.
P Pelle Braam 3 years 10 months ago
200 5 0

Hello there,

In the last few weeks i have developed a web-app for the Motorola SB1 (Smartbadge).
A few days ago we bought a new scanner the MC2180. The adverts said all applications (including web) should be compatible across all platforms.

But when i try to use the MC2180 scanner in my web-app it dousn't work. I am using the following JS to enable and use the scanner (Working on the SB1).

    function detected(a, b, c) {

//console.log(a, b, c);


function decodeEvent(a, b, c) {

document.getElementById('terms').value = a; // Vult de waarde uit de scanner in het texfield

document.getElementById('searchform').submit(); // Post de gescande waarde



Can anyone help me? I would really appreciate any help, on getting the MC2180 working with my web-app.

Kind regards,

Pelle Braam

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5 Replies

P Pelle Braam

Thanks for the response Rob,

I was reading trough the above post and noticed Pietro saying disable DataWedge.
When I checked DataWedge it was indeed disabled. I just tried to use my app with DataWedge enabled, and now it works!

Well almost, i do have to to select te input field myself, but the scanner fills the field now.

Any suggestions on why the scanner is not picking the input field automatically?(It is working on the SB1)

Thanks in advance,


P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Pelle,
it's DataWedge reading the barcode, not RhoElements API.

DataWedge sends the data as keyboard entry, this is why you need to have selected the input field.

One question, how are you loading your JavaScript files? through a web server or using a file:// URI?
in the second case may be an issue of the browser disabling JavaScript for security.

There's anything in RhoElements logs (under /Programs/RhoElements)?


P Pelle Braam

Anyone suggestions on what else i could try?

Would really appreciate some input!

R Robert Galvin


I would suggest for verifying the device is working that you setup Enterprise Browser 1.3 and use the remote web inspector. This will definitely be very helpful in debugging JavaScript. It is not clear to be that the decodeEvent is getting fired, or that it is being fired but the rest of the JS does not run. Although EB does not technically support 2180, I think the CAB file will still install (be sure to use Webkit version so that the remote debug works).


P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Pelle,
there're two version of our MC2180 and one of these version uses Windows Embedded 6.0 Professional and Internet Explorer.

Are you sure that you're using the RhoElements browser to navigate to your webpage?


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