TC70 disable Android Back Button

// Expert user has replied.
C Christian Philipp 3 years 10 months ago
93 2 0

is it possible to disable the Android Back Button under the display on TC70?
I'm using TC70 with Android 4.4.2 and EB Webkit
I have found this blog post:
Android Back Button and Enterprise Browser
but when I add the line to my config.xml:

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2 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Christian,
a couple of notes.

Formatting of the original blog on Launchpad mangled the last double-quote char. This is why EB was crashing for you.
EB v1.3 requires to enable FunctionKeysCapturable in the Config.xml to enable the KeyCapture API.

Thanks for reporting the issue. I've added a note on the original blog post to explain the requirement for EB v1.3 and corrected the double-quote char in the command line.

Let me know if this solve your issue.


P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Seems that Enterprise Browser behaviour changed in v1.3 around this API.

I'll take a look into it and report an update as soon as possible.


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