Data string editing

// Expert user has replied.
A Adam Brumwell 3 years 10 months ago
3 3 0

would like to set Symbol scanners to populate the field with the string scanned in a right to left fashion
a)      Scanner scans the string 123456789 into a field of 6 char is 456789
b)      Scanner scans the string 987654321 into a field of 2 char is 21
c) Scanner scans the string 654789123 into a field of 100 char is 654789123
BaBarcode length is not fixed and capture field is not fixed

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3 Replies

T Tsu Beng Tan

Hi Adam,

So far, I don't see any rule in 123scan2 that fits your need.
Btw, even if the scanner able to display last data 1st, the result will be as below:
a)  Scanner scans the string 123456789 into a field of 6 char is 987654
b) Scanner scans the string 987654321 into a field of 2 char is 12
c) Scanner scans the string 654789123 into a field of 100 char is  321987456 

For your requirement, I would recommend as below:
1)If you able to modify barcode, please do print the barcode data with your desire data 1st.
eg. the barcode string should be 987654321.
Then the field with 2 char, will have 98 left.

2)Rearrange the data in application programming logic.
Accepting the scan input from scanner, then rearrange in application programming logic.

Hope this helps.
Tsu Beng.

R Rick Moore

Using the 123 Scan Configuration utility I believe an ADF can be created that will achieve this.

Select a code length of 9
String at position = 4

Send Extended Key
Send All that remains.

I have not tested but I think that will take care of your first scenario.  The same method should work for the second scenario as well, just change the String at position to equal 8.  I may be off a digit on this too.  I am a beginner.  I also don't know how to combine the rules.

R Ritesh Gupta
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