Rho.Application.quit does not work in WP8.x device

M Mark Nongkhlaw 3 years 10 months ago
8 1 0

My call to Rho.Application.quit in JS, like so in the same .erb does not work in WP8.x device :

function quit_app(){

    My App
      Exit My App 

However, it works in Rhosimulator.
And using Ruby in a controller instead like below also does not work :

   def quit_app

Any tips/suggestions/workarounds for WP8.x ?

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1 Replies

M Mark Nongkhlaw

Well, reviewed this again. I found out that the JS call does work, although it takes some time to exit the app at times but not always.
Verified that the Ruby call does not work. Tested with KitchenSink app too.

Anyone else facing this problem? If yes, then there may be a requirement for correcting/foot-noting the API Matrix against Application API and against WP here : Rhomobile | RhoMobile API Summary

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