SNMP on FX9500 RFID reader

// Expert user has replied.
S Severino Lozano Diez 3 years 10 months ago
45 1 0

Hi team.
The technical department of a partner of ours have some problems with the FX9500 and the SNMP connections could you help us?
We have a question about Motorola's Fixed RFID reader (now Zebra) FX 9500. We are trying to use SNMP service (SNMPv2c) to inquire some status information using supported MIB (RFC1213). With other reader like XR-480, we are able to ask about their status, but FX9500 responds with a timeout error. This timeout error could be because a wrong community for read operations or a problem with the service. We use public and 161 as default community and SNMP port.
Our FX 9500, has the following firmware installed: - Upgrade Firmware: Current Firmware version: - LLRP Component Firmware: Current Component version: - RM Server Firmware: Current Component version: We have some questions about it: - Is there a problem between any service that prevents the correct functionality of the SNMP service? - Do we need a new firmware that enables this feature/service? - Is there a new firmware for the FX9500/XR480 that supports the EPCglobal standard RM MIB, and/or Zebra custom MIB?
Thank you in advance for your kindly support.

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1 Replies

S Severino Lozano Diez

I'd like to share here the answer given by the team (thanks!):

FX9500 supports SNMP V1 and V2c, and it only supports the standard RFC1213 MIB.
The ‘get’ community string is publicreader
There is not ‘set’ community string which means no set operations are supported

Currently there are no plans to add support for EPCGlobal RM MIB interface

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