Using EB API on MC9090-G WM6.1

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M Mike Chrisco 3 years 10 months ago
3 1 0

Hi guys, I'm relatively new to this world, but I've been making good progress and have only come up with a few questions so far.
Simple Question: Can I use the JS API with EB 1.4 (IE) on my MC9090-G running WM6.1?
I have a MC9090-G device 'upgraded'  to Windows Mobile 6.1. I've installed Enterprise Browser 1.4 for IE. I previously had an App working using PocketBrowser, but once the device was upgraded to WM6.1, I wanted to use the latest EB so I'd be as close as possible to what our new hardware (MC2100, MC3200, etc...) will run. The App still seems to work as-is, but I wanted to use the newer JS API methods instead of the deprecated Meta-Tag method. The docs don't seem to be clear on whether or not you can use the JS API on my WM6.1 device. So far it isn't working...
Thanks for your help.

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1 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

HI Mike,
the most important think is which rendering engine you're using: IE or Webkit.

Because you're working on MC9090-G the supported option is IE and I suggest you to stick to this option. Webkit is a much modern rendering engine but requires resources (memory and CPU) not available on the MC9090.

Said that, you can use this compatibility matrix to see which API are available on the IE based Enterprise Browser.

Best regards

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