Having problems with label creep on a new QLn320 printer

B Bruce Henke 3 years 10 months ago
118 1 0

We are working with a Zebra QLn320 wireless label printerwith black mark 3” wide X 2” long labels
ZPL data string:
This prints 4 labels but label creep “down” a little on eachlabel (If I change to ^PQ1 and do it 4 times, the spacing is the same)
^MNN is for continuous labels (even though we have blackmark stock)
^FT055,015^A0N,20,20^FH\^FDNEW TEST USING LL412^FS
This prints 4 blank labels then data on number 5
^MNM is supposed to be non-continuous black mark stock
^FT055,015^A0N,20,20^FH\^FDNEW TEST USING LL412^FS
Zebra Setup Utilities Screenshots included in attached document

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi Bruce,
I'm assuming you are asking why the label with ^MNM is still creeping.  You need to calibrate the printer so that it can detect the exact label length based on the black marks.  Simply send a ~JC or, using the Setup Utility, Open Printer Tools->Action->Calibrate media

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