Soft trigger with Ring scanner (RS507)

N Nicolas Etienne 3 years 10 months ago
3 1 0

Under Android with Xamarin, I'm able to connect to my RS507 ring scanner.
when I use the trigger of the RS, I correctly receive the data (BluetoothSocket is used, works fine).
My question will be quite simple :
How can I, from my application enable and start the scan ? In other word, how can I make the RS scan a barcode by pressing My application button
instead of the physical trigger on it ?
Nicolas, Toulouse, France

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hello Nicolas,  The Barcode sample included in the EMDK Componet can be used as an example of how to accomplish "soft scan" with an attached RS507.   Follow the guide here to setup the sample.

Once the sample is loaded, choose bluetooth scanner from the Select Scanner spinner, change the Select Trigger spinner to Soft, and press the Start button.

The RS507 should now have the Red crosshairs illuminated and ready to scan.

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