TC75: signature verification failed, installation aborted

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N Nikolaos Mastorakos 3 years 10 months ago
1564 4 0

I have 3 brand new TC75 non-GMS (production units purchased from Scansource) that I am unable to convert to GMS ones or even flash their own non-GMS software. I always get the message in recovery (E:footer is wrong, E:signature verification failed, installation aborted). I have repeated the download several times (in case my file is corrupt), used internal storage instead of external SD but nothing changes. The images are from our support portal. My units are on 1404 non-GMS image and wish to convert them to the respective GMS one. Any ideas what could be w
Thanks a lot for any input.

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4 Replies

I Ilyas Karakulangara

I was having similar issue on a TC56 while installing latest LG update-20, device was keep throwing "signature failed, installation aborted" error even after factory reset and device reboot.
The following method helped me to resolve it.
*Copying source file (.zip) once again from PC to SD card*
You can also try a new SD and/or the original .zip file downloaded from support website.
My SD card did not have any issue as i was able to perform factory reset from it. Hence i believe in my case it was a file integrity issue.
Best regards,

H Herbert De Jong

what is type  / size and manufacturer of the sd card in use ?

H Herbert De Jong

can you do a Factory reset  and then reboot and go again into recovery mode and apply   573 Mb
if it still fails  make a screen shot / photo of the exact failure message

reboot the terminal  and goto MLog and  Export all Logs

and sent all to me.

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

That's very strange Nikolaos!

Which BSP do you've installed on your devices?

one thing that you can try is to upgrade them using the adb option in the recovery menu, and then follow the instruction on the device to send the recovery package using the
adb sideload

command from your PC.

Best regards

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