VH10 Compatibility

// Expert user has replied.
E Erick Rondin 3 years 10 months ago
33 2 0

I do not see the VH10 into the lost of the EB compatible devices.
As Kiosk IE is no more available we need to have an Enterprise Browser for customers who migrate to HTML software application.
What is the roadmap to have VH10 into the device compatible list ?
What are the restrictions with the actual version and why is not compatible ?
Thanks for your lights

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2 Replies

E Edward Correia

Hi Erick-

I've sent an inquiry to the Enterprise Browser development team to find out if they've tested it with the VH10.

I'll let you know as soon as I've heard.


E Edward Correia

UPDATE: We have a customer beta in progress and are targeting basic EB functionality on the VH10 to be generally available in the late Q2 timeframe.

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