
G Graham Wright 3 years 10 months ago
17 1 0

I have implemented the code contained in the SDL documentation for UsbDiscoverer.
However the UsbDiscoveryHandler.discoveryFinished() fires without ever finding the attached USB printer (neither UsbDiscoveryHandler.foundPrinter or discoveryError fire)
I am connected to a iMZ220 and want to provide an option to use USB rather then Bluetooth.
I have added to USB_PERMISSUION to my manifest.
I am currently connecting the Android device and the printer via a USB hub pending delivery of a USM mini to micro cable which may be an issue.
Any ideas why the discovery fails to find the printer ?

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi Graham,
You do need to use a USB "On The Go" cable to connect the Android to the printer.  Other than that, there is a lot of setup needed to do USB discovery.  If you are following the code in the Android SDK documentation for using USB, then I would say it's likely your cable.
Hope this helps,

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