How to copy Velocity deployment file ?

// Expert user has replied.
J Jiri Novotny 3 years 10 months ago
52 3 0

please advise me how to simple copy .wldep file  to the folder /SDcard/com.wavelink.velocity .
This folder is not accessible from USB connected PC. There is possible copy files into /Download folder and next via FileBrowser  copy to the target folder.

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3 Replies

P Paul Hedley

Hi Jiri,

This is a known issue that the development group knows about.   The problem is the directory get created when Velocity is first started but the MTP does not get updated properly so the folder is not visible.  If you reboot your WT6000 you should be able to see the directory from your PC.

Please give this a try and let me know if it works.

r roberto cottone

Hi Jiri,

You can use ADB to copy the file directly i.e. enable USB debugging on the device and then use the ADB command below:

adb push myfile.wldep /storage/sdcard0/com.wavelink.velocity

W Wilfred Benton

You can do it manually over USB, or use mobile device management vampire survivors (MDM) software like Ivanti Avalanche.


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