Where can we download the WLAN Region File(s)?

A Andrew Beveridge 3 years 10 months ago
66 4 0

After upgrading one of our TC55-BH GMS devices from JB to KK, we're no longer able to switch on the WiFi.
The release notes (Release Notes -) tell me I need to download and apply the following WLAN Region File: TC55KKETSIWLNV07.zip
However I can't find this file available to download anywhere!
Please can somebody provide the link to this file?

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4 Replies

P Pepe Parafa


J Jared Thigpen

The Release notes for the TC70 images also say we need a WLAN image, and I also can't find them. I've looked in the download page for every upgrade package I can find.

Does anyone know where the TC70 WLan's would be?

r roberto cottone

That file should be available below in the first KK update link:


A Andrew Beveridge

Thankyou so much, I didn't figure that out having used the newer v2.65G release rather than the original v2.52.04 one!


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