On screen customer signature for Android.

// Expert user has replied.
A Alex Esquijarosa 3 years 9 months ago
3 4 0

Is there a control, in the EMDK for Android, to capture on screen customer signatures (like it was in WM/CE)? Please advise.
Kind regards,

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4 Replies

A Alex Esquijarosa

Hey Pietro,
The component you suggesed worked like a charm! Thank you very much.

Kind regards,


P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Ciao Alex!

To capture a signature you can use the Standard Android SDK with a canvas to built your own custom view. Or you can use a library like this one:
GitHub - zahid-ali-shah/SignatureView: SignatureView is an open source Android library which allow developers to produce…

best regards

A Alex Esquijarosa

Hey Pietro!
Thank you very much for your quick response. I'll give a try to the view on Github and I'll let you know.

Kind regards,


r roberto cottone

Hey Alex, long time no talk .   The EMDK for Android does not provide any sig capture controls/veiws.  As Pietro says, you will need to create  a custom view as a drawing surface.

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