Terminate USB host mode on TC75?

R Richard Venderbosch 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

We are developing an HW add-on device for the TC75/TC70 with a Silabs CP201x USB-to-serial chip in it.
We would like to be able to switch the USB port mode from inside our Android application.
We want to switch the USB power supply from the TC75 to the add-on device to prevent draining the TC75 battery when the add-on device is not used.
So my question is: Is there a way to terminate USB host mode by EMDK API?

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi Richard, I'm not positive how this setting in the USBManager is implemented, it may just disable mounting of external drives, but it could possibly provide what you are looking for.  USB Manager - Zebra Technologies Online Documentation

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