Failure of USB connection on Android apps

// Expert user has replied.
G Graham Wright 3 years 10 months ago
3 1 0

I am still waiting for a response on this question
UsbDiscoverer but it seems that only new questions are monitored not subsequent replies

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1 Replies

G Gregory Pawlik

Hi Graham,

My apologies for the late response.

First, make sure that you USB OTG is working on your Android device.
You should be able to plug in a USB keyboard or mouse and be able to control your device with it.

In regards to the PrintStation app, although it does not use the UsbDiscoverer class it does use the DiscoveredPrinterUsb class which may be a better option.
Refer to the in the PrintStation project.
You can load the PrintStation app on your Android device and connect the iMZ via USB OTG and give the app a try in printing to the printer.


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