Enterprise Browser and TC8000 barcode scanning

// Expert user has replied.
A Andrew Pengelly 3 years 10 months ago
31 8 0

We have a TC8000, full part number TC80NH-2101K420NA, which has both SE4750MR scan engine PLUS 8 MP camera.  Our challenge is that when attempting to scan a barcode within Enterprise Browser the trigger action appears to activate the camera instead of the SE4750MR scan engine.  Is there some way to force the trigger action to use the scanner instead of the camera?

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8 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

By the way, does anyone have a link to a reference for dom injection syntax?
EB v1.4 Dom Injection Guide

S Siegmund Leducq

While this is a working solution to my most urgent problem, I'm still left with a closely related issue:
How can I disable and then enable the scanner again from Javascript? The initial injection method initialization seems to be overwritten by the disable() and won't restart after enable()?

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Sigmund,
this discussion was about moving and existing Symbol Pocket Browser application (using the Scanner MetaTag API) to TC8000 with Enterprise Browser.

If you're implementing a new software solution or you can modify an existing solution, you don't need to inject something in the normal webpages flow. You can simply develop your app using the Barcode API.


S Siegmund Leducq

By the way, does anyone have a link to a reference for dom injection syntax?

P Peter Arcuri

You may find this blog on DOM Injection helpful.
Power of DOMInjection (example with NativeTabBar)

E Edward Correia

Andrew- I'm glad you were able to get this working. Thanks for emailing the solution that IT provided. I am posting it below so that perhaps it might help others.

Tech support advised us to use the following DOM injection method.  The first line of the metatags.html file looks key and had never been mentioned previously. 

1. First create a file metatags.html which contains the following two lines:


2. Second, add the following tag for DOM Injection into the CONFIG.XML file:


3. Finally ensure you remove any old scanner metatags from the CONFIG.XML file.

A Andrew Pengelly

The official response via the Zebra Support Desk is that the scanner API in Android sets the camera as the default barcode scanner.  The suggested solutions were -

1. Get a TC8000 without a camera.
2. Rewrite all the HTML code to remove the problem code and define the scanner using DOM injection as part of the device CONFIG.XML.

Since in our case the development environment automatically adds the HTML scanner code at time of compile option #2 is not useful.  So next step is to try a camera free device.
What would be preferable is some why to change the Android default however no one has been able to find a away to achieve that.  May be next version.

S Sunil Kumar

Hi Andrew, please share the html page you have used to enable scanning in Enterprise Browser. Its should be a matter of enumerating the available scanners on the device and selecting the one you need for scanning.


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