ZPL Data Question

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B Bernie Hunt 3 years 10 months ago
6 3 0

I'm setting up a label that will contain a couple of bar codes. I made the sample in ZebraDesigner and exported it to a file. I understand most everything in the ZPL, but one thing I haven't figured out. The data field for one of the barcodes is this:
The text in the bar code is "16042A-0"
In the parameter of FD, why is there a >6 is the middle and what does it mean?
Also is the ";" at the beginning standard for 128 barcodes?
PS: Anyone know a good service to print and bind a copy of the ZPL manual? I guess I'm old school on reference manuals.

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3 Replies

t tahiir khan

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G Gregory Pawlik

It looks like your barcode data is switching from subset C to subset B.

>; is the start code for subset C, which is all numeric values from 0-99.
>6 is the subset C invocation code for subset B, which handles normal alpha/numeric characters.

More information Code 128 subsets can be found on pg. 91 of the ZPL manual.


B Bernie Hunt

Thanks Greg!

I'm working my way though that manual, but it's a lot of info, hahahaha.


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