i cant build my apps on android less then 5.0

e elie matta 3 years 10 months ago
2 2 0

guys i have installed RMS 5.4.0 (with rhodes 5.4.0) i have install the SDK(latest from the android site) latest NDK(from android site)
i have windows and im using eclipse.
im using ruby language and my apk is generated and work fine only with 5.0 (tested)\
with less then 5.0 the apk installed but cannot be open my build.yml: name: Sohar capabilities: sdk: C:/RhoMobileSuite5.4.0/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rhodes-5.4.0 version: 1.0.3 vendor: rhomobile bbver: 7.0 wmsdk: Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I) applog: rholog.txt iphone: configuration: Debug sdk: iphonesimulator4.3 provisionprofile: codesignidentity: entitlements: BundleIdentifier: com.rhomobile.mobilebankingrhodes BundleURLScheme: mobilebankingrhodes emulatortarget: iphone wp: productid: 3e7331b0-c652-012e-326c-001f3b4658dd android: manifest_template: /AndroidManifest.erb extensions: - json - rhoxml - rholang
in the androidManifest.erb im setting the minsdkversion='12' and targetversion'12'
so why the apk crash with less then 5.0 (android 5.0)|!!!!?

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2 Replies

A Alex Epifanov

This may be and NDK issue, it is known that app built with latest NDK may have issues running on older releases:
Issue 73725 - android - Binaries built with NDK r10/android-L might not load on older android versions, despite only u…
You can try to build with NDK9:

A Alex Epifanov

Can you please attach your manifest template and ADB log with crash report. BTW why are you using custom manifest?

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