Checking status of KR403 with winspool in Java

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L Lukasz Byjos 3 years 10 months ago
9 1 0

Hi. I have problem with checking status of zebra KR403 in Java. I'm trying to use winspool from jna but still geting status 0 for PRINTER_INFO_2.
    public static Winspool2.PRINTER_INFO_2 getPrinterInfo2(String printerName) {         IntByReference pcbNeeded = new IntByReference();         IntByReference pcReturned = new IntByReference();         HANDLEByReference pHandle = new HANDLEByReference();           Winspool2.INSTANCE.OpenPrinter(printerName, pHandle, null);           Winspool2.INSTANCE.GetPrinter(pHandle.getValue(),                 2,                 null,                 0,                 pcbNeeded);         if (pcbNeeded.getValue()

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1 Replies

G Gregory Pawlik

Hi Lukasz,

Have you looked into the Link-OS™ Multiplatform SDK | Zebra​ ?
It offers JAVA libraries that can get status information from Zebra printers such as  the KR403.

Hope this helps,


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