CS4070-HC No barcode data captured

// Expert user has replied.
r roberto cottone 3 years 10 months ago
43 5 0

I am running the CS4070-HC.  I recently updated the firmware.
In batch mode (no cable, no bluetooth) I can scan barcodes, and it beeps successfully.  But one reviews the resulting barcodes.txt file, I have everything but the barcode data.
There should be a barcode value after the last comma.
I reset to factory defaults and still same problem.  Attached is my config.ini file.
any ideas?

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5 Replies

r roberto cottone

I updated the device firmware according to the instructions.  Problem continued.
So I tried your instructions.  But same problem.

Here is the device info:
BT version=TAACHS00-003-R00
SE version=PAABLC20-001-R01
Serial number=14239522504289

A Andrew Pengelly

What type of barcodes are you reading?  Are they GS1-128?  If so you might be having challenges interpreting the .  Secondly are you pressing the ADD or DELETE button when you scan the barcodes?

A Andrew Pengelly

Another thought is the file BarcodeDB=\Scanned Barcodes\DBASE.txt.  From the reference manual it says

"Bar code database filename. If file exists,

checks scanned bar codes against content.

If bar code exists, generates a positive beep;

if not a negative beep"

I don't have a CS4070 to play with but I am wondering if the DBASE.TXT file does not contain the barcode you are scanning then I believe you will hear a beep but I wonder if it will it add the scan to the BARCODES.TXT file?  You may need the code listed in the DBASE.TXT file first as a validation.

T Tsu Beng Tan

Hi Dino,

May I know what is your device firmware version?
CS4070 Firmware can be found in Zebra support portal:

Could you try the steps below and see if that helps?
1)Connect CS4070 to PC, delete all the files under Parameter folder.
2)Disconnect CS4070 and Scan Reset Factory Defaults Barcode in Product Manual-page 40.3)After that, perform barcode scanning and check the barcode data file again.
Thanks.Tsu Beng

L Lorincz Lorand

I have a CS3070 with the attached config.ini
Maybe it can help in some way

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