APDU Command and Secure Access Module (SAM) Development Using EMDK

A Alan Dimaano 3 years 5 months ago
217 2 0

I'm relatively new to EMDK and Secure Access Module programming.
I have a SAM that contains a key that I need to access an RF ID ... do you guys have any kind of sample codes that I can look into to do this?
I'm also receiving a 'AV2 authentication failed' (Mifare SAM AV2) whenever I try to communicate with the SAM card. It gives me the impression that  I need to pass an authentication layer before I can access the key hosted in a DF sector of the SAM card.
I really need help. I'm desperate.
Below is the 'onOpened' code snippet of what I'm trying to do:
@Overridepublic void onOpened(EMDKManager emdkManager) {
   this.emdkManager = emdkManager;
  Log.i("onOpened called", " ");
   status.append("\nApplication Initialized.");
   if (this.emdkManager != null) {
   secureNfcMgr = (SecureNfcManager) emdkManager
   if (secureNfcMgr != null) {
   try {
   samType = secureNfcMgr.getAvailableSam();
   status.append(newline + newline + samType   + " SAM is available on the device.");
   if (samType.equals(SecureNfcManager.SamType.MIFARE)) {
   mifareSam = (MifareSam) secureNfcMgr   .getSamInstance(samType);
   mMifareDesfire = (MifareDesfire) secureNfcMgr   .getTagTechInstance(SecureNfcManager.TagTechType.MIFARE_DESFIRE);
  MifareSam.SamMode samMode = mifareSam.connect();
  MifareSam.SamInfo samInfo = mifareSam.getSamInfo();
   // SamKey required for the SAM to Host authentication.   SamKey samKey = new SamKey();
  samKey.keyNum = 0x08;
  samKey.keyVer = 0x01;
   byte[] KEY_AES128_DEFAULT = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,};
   byte[] SELECT = {
  (byte) 0xC0, // CLA Class   (byte) 0xA4, // INS Instruction   (byte) 0x00, // P1 Parameter 1   (byte) 0x00, // P2 Parameter 2   (byte) 0x02,
  (byte) 0x4F00 // Select the   };
   mifareSam.authenticateSam(KEY_AES128_DEFAULT, samKey, null);
   //setButtonEnabled(true);   status.append(newline + newline + samMode
  + " SAM host authentication successful.");
   //statusTV.setText(status);   textViewInfo.setText(status);
  } else if (samType.equals(SecureNfcManager.SamType.NONE)) {
   status.append(newline + newline   + "SAM not available in the device");
  AlertDialog.Builder dlgAlert = new AlertDialog.Builder(
  dlgAlert.setMessage("Please insert the SAM into the device and try again.");
  dlgAlert.setTitle("Error Message...");
  dlgAlert.setPositiveButton("OK", null);
   new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
   public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog,
   int which) {
  } catch (SecureNfcException e1) {
   status.append(newline + newline + newline   + "SecureNfcException Exception : "   + e1.getResult().getDescription());
  } catch (MifareSamException e) {
   //setButtonEnabled(false);   status.append(newline + newline + "MifareSam Exception : "   + e.getMessage());
   //statusTV.setText(status);   textViewInfo.setText(status);
  Log.e("mifare error -- ", e.getMessage());

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2 Replies

S Saravana Damodaram

Getting the following response for Get Key entry :
01 01 01 36 00 FE 00 00 01 FF 00 44

Please let me know how to parse through for the Key number and key version for the Host authentication.


Hello Alan, Have you tried the Secure NFC Sample app with your SAM card? I'm wondering if you may have a SAM card that is not provisioned correctly. We also have a programmers guide that may help. Secure NFC Programmer’s - Zebra Technologies Online Documentation

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