Frezy Latest Release 90-08-05.160429 Issue Found

// Expert user has replied.
A Armand Du Sart 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

I flashed this version via recovery and was successful however upon reboot the touchscreen is disabled. I can toggle hardware buttons to apply volume however unable to unlock the device.

Not sure if this requires additional patches or perhaps a known issue that i don't have documentation on.

Looking for recommendations to resolve within the group, happy to log a jira case if needed.


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1 Replies

P Paul Hedley

Hi Armand,

I believe the problem is that the touch screen firmware has become corrupt.  Part of this BSP update could have been to also update the touchscreen firmware.  The touchscreen firmware could take longer to update than the BSP, so if you rebooted your WT6000 immediately after the BSP update the touchscreen firmware may not have been complete.  If this is the case the touchscreen firmware could be corrupt.  I will email you a procedure to reload the touchscreen firmware.


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