Can Simulscan OCR text from image?

D Derek Mitchell 3 years 10 months ago
3 1 0

Can Simulscan be used to "grab" text from an image?
i would like to take a picture on the TC55 and then use Simulscan to extract the text using OCR?
I have read the docs but can't see if this functionality is available.
Does anyone know if this is possible?

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone


Yes, Simulscan can extract text from an image using OCR, just define the processing type as OCR when you define the template.

I also can't see it explicitly called out in the docs but looks like the sample should have this functionality if provided with an appropriate template: samples-emdkforandroid-4_0/ at SimulScanSample1 · developer-zebra/samples-emdkforandroid-4_0 · Gi…

Templates can be defined at

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