Frenzy - Voice cables

D Denisa-Loredana Zaharie 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

An Early Adopter partner has a few questions regarding the use of the voice cables; from the software side, wonder if someone is able to help us with the following questions:

  CBL-NGWT-HDVBAP-01 (vibrating cable for hearing impaired)

      Are there sw APIs to get the vibrating cable to work? Or how does the application work with it?
Will the vibrating cable vibrate every time a voice prompt is issued (via the headset) or can this be controlled via the SDK?
Where does this cable fit in – does this cable link the WT6xx and headset? Like the 25-124412-02R –OR 25-1141186-03R?

I       Is there any documentation on the cables and how to interact with them from the application?

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

The cable fits to the side connector of the wearable terminal, same as the headset cables, the cable can be controlled via the EMDK, there is an API for it.

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