How Much Work Will it Take to Update an App That's Been Abandoned for Four Years?

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S Shawn Hopkins 3 years 10 months ago
2 1 0

I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong forum and if I use the wrong terminology. I'm very new to RhoMobile and have a question that will influence how much further I go.

My company has been asked to consider updating a RhoMobile app for reporting health statistics. One problem with the app is that it has a few hardcoded URLS in it that currently go nowhere. But another problem is that the last commit to the app was July 2012. I'm sure there have been developments in RhoMobile since then and that it would need to be updated to current standards. Can anyone give me some guidance in what work would be involved to "modernize" the app?

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1 Replies

P Pietro Francesco Maggi

Hi Shawn,
there're indeed some changes in RhoMobile, especially in the build script and the rakefile that got a major update around v4.0/v4.1 to support multiple Android architecture (ARM and Intel x86).
Your best option would be to generate a new project and copy your existing models, controllers and views (plus the static files) into it.
Depending on the features used in the original app, it can be really just a copy and past process or it may involve some updates for some files (like the Settings controller).

Trying to open your older project (coming from Rhodes or RhoMobile v2.x) is probably not going to work due to the changes in the rakefile.


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