MC55A0: Howto switch VGA Screen Resolution to QVGA

J Jens Hauser 3 years 10 months ago
5 1 0

Hi there,
is it possible to switch resolution of MC55A0 device (VGA resolution) to QVGA by C++ code or by registry settings? A customer uses both MC70 and MC55 devices which do have different screen resolutions ...
Kind regards,
Jens Hauser

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Some of our CE based devices are switchable between VGA and QVGA,  but not the Windows Embedded Handheld (aka Windows Mobile).   I know that there have been custom OS builds in some cases generated to support QVGA for some VGA Windows Embedded Handheld devices,  but it would be a custom product request through the Zebra custom products group.

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