ZQ520 not printing images in CPCL mode

p philip koprowski 3 years 10 months ago
174 3 0

We have a large amount of existing CPCL code used in iOS applications that works properly when printing to the rw420 printer.
This same code also works with the ZQ520 except for the images. They do not print using this command even though the printer shows they are in permanent memory. This is the command used to print that also works on the rw420.
PCX 11 8 !

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3 Replies

r roberto cottone

The printer.StoreImage() command works correctly if you create the printer object with:
ZebraPrinter printer = ZebraPrinterFactory.getInstance(PrinterLanguage.CPCL, connection);

The SDK reads the ZQ520 printer as a ZPL printer by default, even if the language on the printer is set to line_print or cpcl.  The command above fixes that.

p philip koprowski

Thanks for the info.

Unfortunately, that didn’t work. No error, but no image either.

What I wound up doing was:

1. Convert image to pcx, version 0, using Paintshop Pro

2. Followed the instructions in the knowledge base article to create one file that had the ZPL to store the image and the PCX file in it using the command line.

3. Sent the above file to the printer.

The image then printed as expected using the CPCL PCX command.

I just had to send that file using the FileUtil SendFiletoPrinter method before using the image. Not the easiest fix but really needed to get something out to our users that worked since the rw420 is no longer available.

Thanks for your help.

Phil Koprowski


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p philip koprowski

I was able to solve this by saving the file in PCX 0 format. that is not mentioned in the knowledge base article.

It now prints in CPCL mode as expected.

The only issue is that shouldn't the link OS storeimage method have worked? I tried the latest api, which doesn't print images on the old rw420 printer if used, but it still didn't work for the ZQ520 using png format images. Considering that this worked on the rw420 not sure why it shouldn't on the zq520.

at least i have a solution now.

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