Argument 2: cannot convert from 'BarcodeSample1.MainActivity' to 'Symbol.XamarinEMDK.EMDKManager.IEMDKListener'
Guys. I can't figure this error out. I downloaded the xamarin 2.1 sample and compiled it against my MC40 device running 4.1.1 .
The error is located on
// The EMDKManager object will be created and returned in the callback EMDKResults results = EMDKManager.GetEMDKManager(Application.Context, this);
I get a squiggle line under "this"
Here's the code
using System; using System.Threading; using System.Collections.Generic; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.Runtime; using Android.Views; using Android.Widget; using Android.OS; using Symbol.XamarinEMDK; using Symbol.XamarinEMDK.Barcode; namespace BarcodeSample1 { [Activity(Label = "BarcodeSample1", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon", ScreenOrientation = Android.Content.PM.ScreenOrientation.Portrait)] public class MainActivity : Activity { // Declare a variable to store EMDKManager object private EMDKManager emdkManager = null; // Declare a variable to store BarcodeManager object private BarcodeManager barcodeManager = null; // Declare a variable to store Scanner object private Scanner scanner = null; // Declare a flag for continuous scan mode private bool isContinuousMode = false; // Declare a flag to save the current state of continuous mode flag during OnPause() and Bluetooth scanner Disconnected event. private bool isContinuousModeSaved = false; private TextView textViewData = null; private TextView textViewStatus = null; private CheckBox checkBoxEAN8 = null; private CheckBox checkBoxEAN13 = null; private CheckBox checkBoxCode39 = null; private CheckBox checkBoxCode128 = null; private CheckBox checkBoxContinuous = null; private Spinner spinnerScanners = null; private Spinner spinnerTriggers = null; private IList scannerList = null; private int scannerIndex = 0; // Keep the selected scanner private int defaultIndex = 0; // Keep the default scanner private int triggerIndex = 0; // Keep the selected trigger private int dataCount = 0; private string statusString = ""; protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); textViewData = FindViewById(Resource.Id.textViewData) as TextView; textViewStatus = FindViewById(Resource.Id.textViewStatus) as TextView; AddStartScanButtonListener(); AddStopScanButtonListener(); AddSpinnerScannersListener(); AddSpinnerTriggersListener(); AddCheckBoxContinuousListener(); AddCheckBoxDecodersListener(); PopulateTriggers(); // The EMDKManager object will be created and returned in the callback EMDKResults results = EMDKManager.GetEMDKManager(Application.Context, this); // Check the return status of GetEMDKManager if (results.StatusCode != EMDKResults.STATUS_CODE.Success) { // EMDKManager object initialization success textViewStatus.Text = "Status: EMDKManager object creation failed."; } else { // EMDKManager object initialization failed textViewStatus.Text = "Status: EMDKManager object creation succeeded."; } } protected override void OnDestroy() { base.OnDestroy(); // De-initialize scanner DeInitScanner(); // Clean up the objects created by EMDK manager if (barcodeManager != null) { // Remove connection listener barcodeManager.Connection -= barcodeManager_Connection; barcodeManager = null; } if (emdkManager != null) { emdkManager.Release(); emdkManager = null; } } protected override void OnPause() { base.OnPause(); // The application is in background // Save the current state of continuous mode flag isContinuousModeSaved = isContinuousMode; // Reset continuous flag isContinuousMode = false; // De-initialize scanner DeInitScanner(); if (barcodeManager != null) { // Remove connection listener barcodeManager.Connection -= barcodeManager_Connection; barcodeManager = null; // Clear scanner list scannerList = null; } // Release the barcode manager resources if (emdkManager != null) { emdkManager.Release(EMDKManager.FEATURE_TYPE.Barcode); } } protected override void OnResume() { base.OnResume(); // The application is in foreground // Restore continuous mode flag isContinuousMode = isContinuousModeSaved; // Acquire the barcode manager resources if (emdkManager != null) { try { barcodeManager = (BarcodeManager)emdkManager.GetInstance(EMDKManager.FEATURE_TYPE.Barcode); if (barcodeManager != null) { // Add connection listener barcodeManager.Connection += barcodeManager_Connection; } // Enumerate scanners EnumerateScanners(); // Set selected scanner spinnerScanners.SetSelection(scannerIndex); // Set selected trigger spinnerTriggers.SetSelection(triggerIndex); } catch (Exception e) { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: BarcodeManager object creation failed."; Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.StackTrace); } } } public void OnClosed() { // This callback will be issued when the EMDK closes unexpectedly. if (emdkManager != null) { if (barcodeManager != null) { // Remove connection listener barcodeManager.Connection -= barcodeManager_Connection; barcodeManager = null; } // Release all the resources emdkManager.Release(); emdkManager = null; } textViewStatus.Text = "Status: EMDK closed unexpectedly! Please close and restart the application."; } public void OnOpened(EMDKManager emdkManagerInstance) { // This callback will be issued when the EMDK is ready to use. textViewStatus.Text = "Status: EMDK open success."; this.emdkManager = emdkManagerInstance; try { // Acquire the barcode manager resources barcodeManager = (BarcodeManager)emdkManager.GetInstance(EMDKManager.FEATURE_TYPE.Barcode); if (barcodeManager != null) { // Add connection listener barcodeManager.Connection += barcodeManager_Connection; } // Enumerate scanner devices EnumerateScanners(); // Set default scanner spinnerScanners.SetSelection(defaultIndex); // Set trigger (App default - HARD) spinnerTriggers.SetSelection(triggerIndex); } catch (Exception e) { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: BarcodeManager object creation failed."; Console.WriteLine("Exception:" + e.StackTrace); } } void barcodeManager_Connection(object sender, BarcodeManager.ScannerConnectionEventArgs e) { string status; string scannerName = ""; ScannerInfo scannerInfo = e.P0; BarcodeManager.ConnectionState connectionState = e.P1; string statusBT = connectionState.ToString(); string scannerNameBT = scannerInfo.FriendlyName; if (scannerList.Count != 0) { scannerName = scannerList[scannerIndex].FriendlyName; } if (scannerName.ToLower().Equals(scannerNameBT.ToLower())) { status = "Status: " + scannerNameBT + ":" + statusBT; RunOnUiThread(() => textViewStatus.Text = status); if (connectionState == BarcodeManager.ConnectionState.Connected) { // Bluetooth scanner connected // Restore continuous mode flag isContinuousMode = isContinuousModeSaved; // Initialize scanner InitScanner(); SetTrigger(); SetDecoders(); } if (connectionState == BarcodeManager.ConnectionState.Disconnected) { // Bluetooth scanner disconnected // Save the current state of continuous mode flag isContinuousModeSaved = isContinuousMode; // Reset continuous flag isContinuousMode = false; // De-initialize scanner DeInitScanner(); // Enable UI Controls RunOnUiThread(() => EnableUIControls(true)); } } else { status = "Status: " + statusString + " " + scannerNameBT + ":" + statusBT; RunOnUiThread(() => textViewStatus.Text = status); } } private void AddStartScanButtonListener() { Button buttonStartScan = FindViewById(Resource.Id.buttonStartScan); buttonStartScan.Click += buttonStartScan_Click; } void buttonStartScan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (scanner == null) { InitScanner(); } if (scanner != null) { try { // Set continuous flag isContinuousMode = checkBoxContinuous.Checked; // Submit a new read. scanner.Read(); // Disable UI controls RunOnUiThread(() => EnableUIControls(false)); } catch (ScannerException ex) { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: " + ex.Message; Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } private void AddStopScanButtonListener() { Button buttonStopScan = FindViewById(Resource.Id.buttonStopScan); buttonStopScan.Click += buttonStopScan_Click; } void buttonStopScan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (scanner != null) { try { // Reset continuous flag isContinuousMode = false; // Cancel the pending read. scanner.CancelRead(); // Enable UI controls RunOnUiThread(() => EnableUIControls(true)); } catch (ScannerException ex) { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: " + ex.Message; Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } } private void AddSpinnerScannersListener() { spinnerScanners = FindViewById(Resource.Id.spinnerScanners); spinnerScanners.ItemSelected += spinnerScanners_ItemSelected; } void spinnerScanners_ItemSelected(object sender, AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs e) { scannerIndex = e.Position; DeInitScanner(); InitScanner(); SetTrigger(); SetDecoders(); } private void AddSpinnerTriggersListener() { spinnerTriggers = FindViewById(Resource.Id.spinnerTriggers); spinnerTriggers.ItemSelected += spinnerTriggers_ItemSelected; } void spinnerTriggers_ItemSelected(object sender, AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs e) { triggerIndex = e.Position; SetTrigger(); } private void AddCheckBoxContinuousListener() { checkBoxContinuous = FindViewById(Resource.Id.checkBoxContinuous); checkBoxContinuous.CheckedChange += checkBoxContinuous_CheckedChange; } void checkBoxContinuous_CheckedChange(object sender, CompoundButton.CheckedChangeEventArgs e) { isContinuousMode = e.IsChecked; } private void AddCheckBoxDecodersListener() { checkBoxEAN8 = FindViewById(Resource.Id.checkBoxEAN8); checkBoxEAN13 = FindViewById(Resource.Id.checkBoxEAN13); checkBoxCode39 = FindViewById(Resource.Id.checkBoxCode39); checkBoxCode128 = FindViewById(Resource.Id.checkBoxCode128); checkBoxEAN8.CheckedChange += decoders_CheckedChange; checkBoxEAN13.CheckedChange += decoders_CheckedChange; checkBoxCode39.CheckedChange += decoders_CheckedChange; checkBoxCode128.CheckedChange += decoders_CheckedChange; } void decoders_CheckedChange(object sender, CompoundButton.CheckedChangeEventArgs e) { SetDecoders(); } private void EnumerateScanners() { if (barcodeManager != null) { int spinnerIndex = 0; List friendlyNameList = new List(); // Query the supported scanners on the device scannerList = barcodeManager.SupportedDevicesInfo; if ((scannerList != null) && (scannerList.Count > 0)) { foreach (ScannerInfo scnInfo in scannerList) { friendlyNameList.Add(scnInfo.FriendlyName); // Save index of the default scanner (device specific one) if (scnInfo.IsDefaultScanner) { defaultIndex = spinnerIndex; } ++spinnerIndex; } } else { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: Failed to get the list of supported scanner devices! Please close and restart the application."; } // Populate the friendly names of the supported scanners into spinner ArrayAdapter spinnerAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, friendlyNameList); spinnerAdapter.SetDropDownViewResource(Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem); spinnerScanners.Adapter = spinnerAdapter; } } private void PopulateTriggers() { // Populate the trigger types into spinner var spinnerAdapter = ArrayAdapter.CreateFromResource(this, Resource.Array.triggers_array, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem); spinnerAdapter.SetDropDownViewResource(Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem); spinnerTriggers.Adapter = spinnerAdapter; } private void InitScanner() { if (scanner == null) { if ((scannerList != null) && (scannerList.Count > 0)) { // Get new scanner device based on the selected index scanner = barcodeManager.GetDevice(scannerList[scannerIndex]); } else { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: Failed to get the specified scanner device! Please close and restart the application."; return; } if (scanner != null) { // Add data listener scanner.Data += scanner_Data; // Add status listener scanner.Status += scanner_Status; try { // Enable the scanner scanner.Enable(); } catch (ScannerException e) { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: " + e.Message; Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } } else { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: Failed to initialize the scanner device."; } } } void scanner_Status(object sender, Scanner.StatusEventArgs e) { StatusData statusData = e.P0; StatusData.ScannerStates state = e.P0.State; if (state == StatusData.ScannerStates.Idle) { statusString = "Status: " + statusData.FriendlyName + " is enabled and idle..."; RunOnUiThread(() => textViewStatus.Text = statusString); if (isContinuousMode) { try { // An attempt to use the scanner continuously and rapidly (with a delay 100 ms between scans) // may cause the scanner to pause momentarily before resuming the scanning. // Hence add some delay (>= 100ms) before submitting the next read. try { Thread.Sleep(100); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } // Submit another read to keep the continuation scanner.Read(); } catch (ScannerException ex) { statusString = "Status: " + ex.Message; RunOnUiThread(() => textViewStatus.Text = statusString); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { statusString = "Status: An error has occurred."; RunOnUiThread(() => textViewStatus.Text = statusString); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } RunOnUiThread(() => EnableUIControls(true)); } if (state == StatusData.ScannerStates.Waiting) { statusString = "Status: Scanner is waiting for trigger press..."; RunOnUiThread(() => { textViewStatus.Text = statusString; EnableUIControls(false); }); } if (state == StatusData.ScannerStates.Scanning) { statusString = "Status: Scanning..."; RunOnUiThread(() => { textViewStatus.Text = statusString; EnableUIControls(false); }); } if (state == StatusData.ScannerStates.Disabled) { statusString = "Status: " + statusData.FriendlyName + " is disabled."; RunOnUiThread(() => { textViewStatus.Text = statusString; EnableUIControls(true); }); } if (state == StatusData.ScannerStates.Error) { statusString = "Status: An error has occurred."; RunOnUiThread(() => { textViewStatus.Text = statusString; EnableUIControls(true); }); } } void scanner_Data(object sender, Scanner.DataEventArgs e) { ScanDataCollection scanDataCollection = e.P0; if ((scanDataCollection != null) && (scanDataCollection.Result == ScannerResults.Success)) { IList scanData = scanDataCollection.GetScanData(); foreach (ScanDataCollection.ScanData data in scanData) { string dataString = data.Data; RunOnUiThread(() => DisplayScanData(dataString)); } } } private void DeInitScanner() { if (scanner != null) { try { // Cancel if there is any pending read scanner.CancelRead(); // Disable the scanner scanner.Disable(); } catch (ScannerException e) { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: " + e.Message; Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } // Remove data listener scanner.Data -= scanner_Data; // Remove status listener scanner.Status -= scanner_Status; try { // Release the scanner scanner.Release(); } catch (ScannerException e) { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: " + e.Message; Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } scanner = null; } } private void SetTrigger() { if (scanner == null) { InitScanner(); } if (scanner != null) { switch (triggerIndex) { case 0: // Selected "HARD" scanner.TriggerType = Scanner.TriggerTypes.Hard; break; case 1: // Selected "SOFT" scanner.TriggerType = Scanner.TriggerTypes.SoftAlways; break; default: break; } } } private void SetDecoders() { if (scanner == null) { InitScanner(); } if (scanner != null) { try { // Config object should be taken out before changing. ScannerConfig config = scanner.GetConfig(); // Set EAN8 config.DecoderParams.Ean8.Enabled = checkBoxEAN8.Checked; // Set EAN13 config.DecoderParams.Ean13.Enabled = checkBoxEAN13.Checked; // Set Code39 config.DecoderParams.Code39.Enabled = checkBoxCode39.Checked; // Set Code128 config.DecoderParams.Code128.Enabled = checkBoxCode128.Checked; // Should be assigned back to the property to get the changes to the lower layers. scanner.SetConfig(config); } catch (ScannerException e) { textViewStatus.Text = "Status: " + e.Message; Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } } } private void EnableUIControls(bool isEnabled) { checkBoxEAN8.Enabled = isEnabled; checkBoxEAN13.Enabled = isEnabled; checkBoxCode39.Enabled = isEnabled; checkBoxCode128.Enabled = isEnabled; spinnerScanners.Enabled = isEnabled; spinnerTriggers.Enabled = isEnabled; } private void DisplayScanData(string data) { if (dataCount++ > 100) { // Clear the cache after 100 scans textViewData.Text = ""; dataCount = 0; } textViewData.Append(data + "\r\n"); var scrollview = FindViewById(Resource.Id.scrollView1); scrollview.FullScroll(FocusSearchDirection.Down); } } }
Need some help here.
1 Replies
Hello Terry, The EMDK for Xamarin does not support devices running JellyBean. Please see a list of supported devices/OS's here.…