EPL -> Barcode GS1/EAN128

m mario thomas 3 years 10 months ago
120 7 0

I want to print a GS1 Barcode (formerly EAN128) with an EPL Zebra.
I have 2 input numbers with various qualifier and variable length:
(241) customer part number
(10) batch
I got the information from zebra that the separator character is a "-" .
So I did it that way:
Every barcode testing tool said:
241CUST. PART NO: "000xxxxx-10xxxxxxx"
Just one big cust. part number
So I think the seperator is not correct.
I also tried the following which didn't work:
Thanks for your help.

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7 Replies

m mario thomas

Hi Kandarp,

Can you give me a picture of your barcode that I can check it?


K Kandarp Bhatt

I have printed through below varibales
with 4x4 label size it is printing and scanning also please check

m mario thomas


I changed my label to B650,307,2,1E,2,6,160,N,

Now the barcode is bigger but it is still not GS1 compliant because I have one big 241 segment and not a 241 and a 10 segment.


K Kandarp Bhatt

Can you try to make variables as same as your Script file
Like B750,350,2,1E,2,0,96,N,
and then take print and see

m mario thomas

Thanks again but the barcode is still not readable.


K Kandarp Bhatt

can you try with this
if this gives proper output the separator is different

m mario thomas

Hi Kandarp,

Thanks for your reply.
I was able to print your file but it was not readable (tried with a hardware scanner and with barcode test tools).


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