How do I re-enable the scanner if nothing was scanned using EMDK 5?

J Jon-Luke West 3 years 10 months ago
28 1 0

I am working on an application for the MC92KK using EMDK v5.0.  I have followed the samples and have gotten scanning to work, as long as I actually scan something.  If I do not scan anything, the scanner turns off and will no longer respond to the hard trigger press.  I am assuming this is because the method in the onData() call back is not being fired; thus never initializing the scanner again.  How do I overcome this so that the hard trigger turns the scanner on regardless of whether data was captured or not?
Thank you.

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1 Replies

r roberto cottone

Hi Jon,

In the samples they refer to that as 'continuous scanning' mode.  In code they're just re-submitting the read whenever the scanner enters the idle state, see here: samples-emdkforandroid-5_0/ at BarcodeSample1 · Zebra/samples-emdkforandroid-5_0 · GitHub where they call the method from onStatus() rather than onData().


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