How to debug imager on feature demo

// Expert user has replied.
C Cody Brown 3 years 10 months ago
4 2 0

I am having issues with EB 1.5. I just installed it and followed the Zebra Developer instructions on installing the feature demo as well. Everything on the feature demo works with the exception of the camera section. When I tap show camera, nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong here?

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2 Replies

A Abhineet Agarwal

Dear Cody Brown,

Please provide us the below details?
1. What is the Device Model Number?
2. Is it Windows Mobile or Windows CE or Android Device?
3.  Device BSP, Build Number ?

Thanks & Regards,
Abhineet Agarwal
Enterprise Browser Software Lead

C Cody Brown

1. What is the Device Model Number? TC8000
2. Is it Windows Mobile or Windows CE or Android Device? Android
3.  Device BSP, Build Number ? 01-23257-K-01-71-00-MV

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